Registration Deadline: April 18th (completed)
Invoices Sent: April 29th (completed)
Passwords Sent: May 13th (completed)
Contest Date: May 15th
Contest can be written any time between May 15th and 26th
Payment Due: May 30th
Results: Early June
Your students will have the opportunity to record their name on the CEMC portal when they enter their unique participant ID.
Yes! You can write any time between May 15th and 24th
The student ID codes are single use if you need to print the contests ahead of time, the PDF files will be included in an email to be sent on the morning of Contest Day, as in past years.
The instructions are on the front page of the contest paper. They will be available on Contest Day, however the instructions do not change much from year to year, so you can get an idea of what the instructions will be on any past contest, available on the CEMC website.
The practice platform will be converted to the 2024 contest on Contest Day.
Yes, you will be able to still write on paper, however the marking will be solely completed through the CEMC portal this year. In order to get the contest marked and those results recorded they will have to be submitted through the online system.
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